Tuesday 9 September 2014

Cut down in it's prime . .

Following on from my post on the Cinelli and it's loose headset I am pleased to report that both my problems have been solved with the cutting down of the fork steerer.

For a very reasonable £12 Peason Cycles Sheen cut off the offending material and not only does the bike look finished now, the headset could be tightened correctly and there is no sign of the previous clicking or moving that I found.  I was so pleased with the price I rode the road bike there to collect the Cinelli and had that done the next day.

Full pictures of the bike to follow when I write it up properly in a long overdue "my bikes" section, but here's a photo of the now neat and cut back steerer.

The weight saving should have a few seconds off my commute right yeah . . 

Cinelli Single Speed - Cut Down Steerer